Daily Eucharist in Downtown Albany – A New Arrangement

Beginning Monday, 8 January 2024, daily Eucharist will be celebrated Monday thru Friday at Historic St. Mary’s Church, 10 Lodge Street at 12:05pm. There will be no daily liturgical services at the Cathedral. The Cathedral will be open for prayer, contemplation, silence and the experience of beauty. Street parking is limited in downtown Albany. There is a parking lot across the street at the Hilton Albany. Alternatively, if you desire or need another time for the Eucharist you may participate at these city parishes:

Church of the Blessed Sacrament, 607 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
Monday and Wednesday at 7:00 am; Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 pm.

Parish of Mater Christi, 40 Hopewell Street, Albany, NY 12208
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 8:15 am; Wednesday at 4:30 pm.

Saint Pius, 23 Crumitie Road, Loudonville, NY 12211
Monday, Tuesday & Friday at 9:00am; Wednesday & Thursday at 6:30am.