Safe Environment
The Cathedral of the Immaculate
Conception is committed to providing a
safe environment for all persons involved
in any ministry, especially children. All adults participating in the Cathedral’s
Music Program are required to complete Virtus Safe Environment training, offered through the Diocese of Albany. For more information, visit:
Haydn Seek (birth-PreK)
New for 2023-24!
Sing, play, and move with your child! Led by early childhood music education specialist Andrea Reno, this interactive class is designed to help grow a child’s musical aptitude through songs, chants, tonal and rhythmic patterns, and movement. Each class will begin with a few minutes of free play and socialization time followed by about 30 minutes of directed musical activities. Caregivers are expected to attend and participate along with their little ones, but don’t worry if you “can’t sing” or if this is new for you.
Fall 2023 Session:
Fridays 9:30-10:10 a.m. (please note schedule is not weekly)
September 15, 22, 29
October 13, 27
November 3
Space is limited to 12 families. Additional families may be included at the discretion of the instructor. Click HERE to register!
Registration fee is $80 per child (siblings cost $20 each), to be paid in full by the first class of the session. No child will be turned away for financial reasons. To discuss scholarship opportunities, please contact Dr. Timothy Reno (renot@rcda.org). All financial information is kept strictly confidential.
“Troubadours” Training Choir (K-3rd Grade)
This introductory choir provides age-appropriate instruction in choral singing and cathedral etiquette. Children learn to develop a natural singing tone and learn the basics of music theory. Rehearsals include a variety of repertoire, from the sacred music of the Cathedral to folk songs and singing games.
Wednesdays 3:45-4:45 p.m. (September thru May)
Festival of Lessons and Carols (December)
Choir Season Coda (May)
Parents and guardians should be able to commit to bringing their child(ren) to all scheduled rehearsals and services throughout the year. Children should have an interest in singing, a willingness to try new things, and the ability to follow simple directions. Families are invited to meet with to discuss enrolling their child(ren) in the Troubadours. We welcome new singers throughout the year, and often a trial or observation basis may be arranged.
Registration fee for the year is $115/child and may be structured in regular payments. If paid in full by the end of September, the fee is reduced to $100. The registration fee covers the basic costs of the Training Choir, including the purchase of music and a navy-blue Choir School polo shirt. Need-based scholarships are available. No child will be turned away for financial reasons.
Click here for the Troubadour 2023-2024 schedule.
Treble Choir of Boys and Girls (Grades 4-8)
Boys and girls in Treble Choir will continue to develop their group and individual vocal skills, advance their musicianship (music theory and sight singing), and broaden their knowledge of repertoire. Choristers rehearse regularly as a group of young people and provide music for the cathedral’s 5:00 p.m. mass on a monthly basis. They also join the Cathedral (Adult) Choir for special services such as Lessons and Carols, Chrism Mass, and Diaconal Ordination.
Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
**Some rehearsals will extend to 7:30 p.m. (chorister/family dinner will be provided)**
5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass (monthly), plus:
A Festival of Lessons and Carols (December)
Chrism Mass (March/April)
Diaconal Ordination (May)
The 2023-24 Treble Choir calendar is available here! (updates are live)
Parents and guardians should be able to commit to bringing their child(ren) to all scheduled rehearsals and services throughout the year. Families are invited to meet with to discuss enrolling their child(ren) in Trebles. New choristers are welcome at any time of year. They will be asked to sing a simple song (“Happy Birthday” or something familiar) and to match pitch from the piano or organ.
Third graders who are new to the program may benefit from membership in the Training Choir in order to develop basic music skills before joining the Treble Choir. If appropriate, this option will be discussed with families.
Registration fee for the year is $325/child and may be structured over regular payments. If paid in full by the end of September, the fee is reduced to $300. The registration fee covers basic costs of the choir, including the purchase of music, a navy blue Choir School polo shirt, the use of a cassock and surplice, RSCMA medals and ribbons, and meals. Need-based scholarships are available. No child will be turned away for financial reasons.
The Cathedral Choir (adults and advanced college/high school students)
The Cathedral Choir provides musical leadership each week at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass (the week after Labor Day in September, through the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ), Christmas, Holy Week, and at other liturgical observances throughout the year. The repertoire consists of a wide range of choral music of all periods of Church tradition, from Gregorian chant through the 21st century. Membership requires a successful audition and meeting with the Director of Music. Previous choral experience and the ability to read music are highly recommended. The Cathedral Choir collaborates with the Treble Choir and Troubadours in an intergenerational environment; all members must complete Safe Environment training. For more information or to schedule an audition, please contact Dr. Timothy Reno.
Thursdays 7:00pm – 9:00pm
**Some rehearsals will include dinner with Treble Choir singers/families
11 a.m. Sunday Mass (each week), plus:
Holidays and additional services or concerts as scheduled
The 2023-24 Cathedral Choir calendar is available here! (updates are live)
Affiliation with the Royal School of Church Music in America
Founded in England in 1927 by Sir Sydney Nicholson, the Royal School of Church Music remains dedicated to the highest standards of music in the church. It has grown to become an international and ecumenical organization with more than 11,000 affiliates in North America, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and throughout Europe.